I had an audience member ask me, “You talk a lot about the need for effective communication in leadership. What do you think are the most important communication skills?”  Oooh – good question.

There is no doubt that effective communication is the lifeblood of leadership, and it’s even more crucial for new managers who are navigating the challenging terrain of leadership for the first time. Let’s delve into some of the essential communication skills that new managers need to cultivate to succeed.

The first non-negotiable skill would have to be active listening. Listening is the most underappreciated and under-practiced communication skill. And that’s a shame, because in business as in life, we automatically feel a bias toward people who we feel are listening to us. And we are prejudiced against those we feel are not listening to us. We want that bias in our favor. Listening isn’t just about hearing words, though; it’s about understanding the message behind them. Listen actively. That is listen with the intent to listen, not with the intent to respond. This means giving them your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and empathizing with their perspectives. Listen actively to your team members, your peers, and your superiors. Active listening fosters trust and helps you make informed decisions.

Clarity is also essential. Clear and concise communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings. Strive to convey your ideas, expectations, and instructions in a straightforward manner. Avoid jargon and buzzwords. Instead, opt for simple, precise language that everyone can understand.

Adaptability and flexing to diversity are also important. As communicators and leaders, it’s our job to meet those we’re communicating with at their comfort zone – not assume they are going to jump into our comfort zone. It’s our job to meet them where they are. That’s why adaptability is so crucial in today’s fast-paced world. To be effective, you need to be flexible in your communication style to suit different personalities and situations. Adaptability allows you to connect with your audience effectively, whether it’s a one-on-one conversation, a team meeting, or a presentation to executives.

Effective communication is a cornerstone of significant leadership. It allows you to build strong relationships, inspire your team and navigate the challenges of leadership with finesse. Leadership is a journey, and mastering communication is a significant step on your path to becoming a significant leader.


Read Lauren’s Whitepaper on The Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership.

Pick up Lauren’s newest book, Help Others Grow First – How Smart Leaders Attract and Retain Great Employees, as well as her Colonels of Wisdom series here.