When an organization or practice experiences an upturn and consistent growth, one of the most challenging parts of that growth is finding the right people so there is consistency and not a revolving door of employees. One of your key responsibilities as a leader is to ensure a steady influx of talented individuals to support the organization’s growth and success. Building a talent pipeline is not only essential for current staffing needs but also for long-term strategic planning. Let’s look at some of the best ways to create and nurture a robust talent pipeline.

First, everything starts with a plan. Have a clear understanding of your organization’s talent needs. Work closely with your HR department (or person) to identify the specific skills, qualifications, and qualities required for various roles within your practice or organization. This will serve as the foundation for your talent acquisition strategy.

Then, look within for potential talent. Encourage the professional growth of current employees through training, mentorship, and career development opportunities. Identifying and nurturing talent from within not only saves on recruitment costs but also strengthens employee loyalty and engagement.

If you need to look outside of the organization, make sure your organization’s values, culture, and opportunities are well-communicated in job postings, social media, and other advertising channels. Showcase what makes your organization an attractive place to work.

It helps to establish relationships with educational institutions, industry associations, and other organizations to tap into potential talent pools. Attend networking events, career fairs, and conferences to connect with prospective candidates. Building a strong professional network can yield valuable referrals and recommendations for right-fit candidates, now or down the road.

And no one understands what a right-fit candidate is, like your current team. Encourage your current employees to refer potential candidates. Employee referral programs can be a highly effective way to identify individuals who are a good cultural fit and have the skills needed for the organization.

Create internship or apprenticeship programs that provide students or entry-level professionals with hands-on experience within your organization. These programs can serve as a talent incubator and help you identify individuals who align with your organization’s culture and values.

Once you’ve identified potential talent, whether inside or outside your organization, engage with them regularly. Keep them informed about developments and job opportunities. Building and nurturing relationships with prospective candidates can make them more likely to consider moving up with or joining your team when the right opportunity arises.



Read Lauren’s Whitepaper on The Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership.

Pick up Lauren’s newest book, Help Others Grow First – How Smart Leaders Attract and Retain Great Employees, as well as her Colonels of Wisdom series here.