Lauren’s Blog
Are You Looking for Recognition?
The Colonel said, “Leaders don't look for recognition from others; leaders look for others to recognize.” Near the end of my term as president of a non-profit foundation award committee, I made a joke to Dad about how the...
Are You Chasing a Title?
Are you working hard, chasing a title right now? What will that title bring you? Folks, it’s not about the title. It’s about the person. As I have traveled and spoken to thousands of companies across the globe, I have...
Don’t Be Fooled by Size
Does bigger necessarily make things better? The Colonel often said, “Take it from me, kid. Being bigger doesn’t make you better. Being bigger means you HAVE to be better because more eyes are on you all the time.” One of my...
What is Significant Leadership Anyway?
What is Significant Leadership anyway? I had an interesting dialogue with a potential client recently. He asked me to define significant leadership (as compared to any other kind of leadership). I said, simply put, it’s all about people....
Five Ways to Make Employee Recognition Meaningful
Last week, I discussed the importance of recognition as a skill that is essential to significant leadership. In fact, celebrating the results of others is number eight in The Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership. So, I highlighted the importance of timeliness,...
How Often Do You Praise Your Team?
I recently had the privilege of being the mistress of ceremonies for an industry awards banquet. Afterward, as I was visiting with those who had gathered to chat with me, one woman, clutching her award, said, “Thank you. I’ve never been recognized for anything I...
Do You Meet With Your Team Daily
Last week, I shared the frustration of a manager who felt she was leading in a vacuum without any communication from the higher-ups. I shared that regular leadership briefings are essential to developing effective managers. This week, I want to turn that around...
Why Do New Managers Feel So Alone?
In a recent conversation with one of my consulting clients, she expressed that she was struggling because (from her perspective) she was promoted to management and then dumped. She felt like getting information from her higher-ups was like pulling teeth. She...
The Top Three Communication Skills Necessary for New Managers
I had an audience member ask me, “You talk a lot about the need for effective communication in leadership. What do you think are the most important communication skills?” Oooh – good question. There is no doubt that effective...
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(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012
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Contact Info
(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012