Lauren’s Blog
Are You Afraid to Ask for Help?
When was the last time you asked for help? Are you afraid to? The Colonel said, “Being a strong leader doesn’t mean you never ask for help. Only a bloated ego believes they never need...
How Do You Know if Your Team is Weak?
As we head into the NFL preseason (y’all know my passion for football…) and we start to analyze the various teams’ strengths and weaknesses, I think about something The Colonel said, “You’ll know your team is weak when they work against each other, for themselves...
Can You Succeed Alone?
You’ve no doubt heard the saying, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” Although a bit cliché, it is undoubtedly true. You never succeed alone. There is always someone supporting you. Precious little in this world is achieved...
What Makes You a Leader?
What makes someone a leader? Is it the title, the big office? The pay scale? What if it’s none of those things? The Colonel said, “You are only a leader if others are willing to follow you, not because they have to, but because they...
Do You Believe You Are Irreplaceable?
Are you irreplaceable on your team? Are you sure? The Colonel said, “Don’t consider yourself irreplaceable. No one is irreplaceable, kiddo. In fact, if you are doing your job, you are constantly trying to create your replacement.” The...
Should Leaders Do Less?
“Leadership is not a license to do less. Leadership is a responsibility to do more.” It is a common but misguided perception that once you’ve “made it to the top,” things get easier because you can relax and let other people...
Are You The Smartest Person In The Room?
Are you the smartest person on your team? What if I told you you don’t have to be? The Colonel said, “You don’t have to know everything, kiddo. Don’t pretend to. Surround yourself with people you trust to know what you don’t and be willing to do the work to learn.”...
Are You An Achiever Or A Leader?
Growing up in the shadow of The Colonel, with all his commendations and advanced degrees, it was understood that I would or should be an achiever. You can imagine my confusion when Dad told me that achievement is not necessarily leadership. He said, “An achiever...
Are You Too Worried About The Destination To Focus On The Journey?
When will you know that you have really “arrived” in your leadership career? Dad constantly reminded me that leadership is not a place you get to. Leadership is a journey you live. The last time our children were locked in a...
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(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012
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Contact Info
(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012