Lauren’s Blog
Are You Willing To Start Where You Are?
I think at one time or another, every child dreams of being famous. I certainly did. (I wanted to be a theater and film star.) Few actually achieve global name recognition, and many who do are not leaders in any way. The good news is being a significant leader...
Are You Taking Credit for Your Team’s Greatness?
The Colonel said, “Everyone has greatness in them, kid. You might have to dig deeper in some than in others to find it. You don’t have to create greatness in your team. You just gotta find it.” So… I am an art history...
Do You Expect Others To Do What You Aren’t Willing To Do?
Do You Expect Others To Do What You Aren't Willing To Do? The amazing Mary Kay Ash often said to her sales directors, “You cannot teach what you do not know, and you cannot lead where you will not go.” It is probable that this quote is not original to Mary Kay, but...
Are You Trying To Lead Without Knowing How to Follow?
Are you trying to lead without knowing how to follow? How's it working for you? My first job out of college was as a receptionist for a major nationwide van line. I believe I was timid in my new role for about the first week. After that, I was certain that I knew...
Can You Cut Through Emotion To Make A Decision?
The Colonel was very much a “cut to the chase” kind of thinker. He often said, “Cut through the emotion, eliminate the ego, cut out the clutter, and the answer will usually be there.” Dad was adept at slicing through irrelevant details to get at the core of the...
Are You a Leader Your Team Will Trust?
Have you ever worked for someone who you felt did not have your back? You didn’t trust them to not throw you under the bus when push came to shove? It is not a feeling that breeds loyalty. The Colonel taught me that “One of the most important sentiments any leader...
Does People Pleasing Prevent People From Trusting You?
Does people pleasing prevent people from trusting you? Because I am inherently a people person (read: people pleaser), I spent a good portion of my life and energy trying to make sure people like me. Sometimes, in my younger years, this involved being agreeable and...
Do You Lead or Micromanage?
The Colonel said, “Choose your team wisely, kiddo. Pick people who have the knowledge, skill, and character to do what you need them to do. Once you’ve done that, step aside and let them do it.” We all have our strengths,...
Do You Talk Over People’s Heads?
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who you felt was talking over your head? Maybe on purpose? It’s not effective communication at all. The Colonel said, “You may think I’m smart, and maybe I am. But all of my smarts and all my degrees don’t amount to...
Don't hesitate! Any Questions, get in touch with Lauren
Contact Info
(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012
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Contact Info
(913) 530-6673
16125 152nd St.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012